What is Recirculation Aquaculture System Part-3
Water Quality: Gases
Oxygen in Water
The concept of partial pressure was
introduced in the last chapter. To fully understand how oxygen moves into a
recirculation system we need to take this further. Gas pressure can be
expressed in several ways. The pressure of the atmosphere on the ocean's
surface (or your lungs if you are standing on the beach) is about 15 lbs/in2 (100 kPa) which is termed one
atmosphere (A). If you fill a glass tube having one closed end with a fluid and
immerse the open end into an open container of the fluid, the fluid will fall
in the tube and pull a vacuum until the atmospheric pressure pushing it back up
equals the weight of the column of fluid. This is a barometer. The level of
fluid will vary slightly as the total air pressure varies. Mercury is commonly
used as the fluid. Standard air pressure at sea level will support a 760 mm
(29.9 inch) column of mercury (in physiology, mmHg is the common unit of gas
pressure, meteorologists use inches). Sometimes a mmHg is referred to as a
"torr" honoring Torricelli, the inventor of the barometer. 760 mmHg
is also termed one atmosphere (A), referring to the pressure of the atmosphere
pressing down. What is commonly termed suction is really the pressure of the
atmosphere acting in the opposite direction.
Air is a mixture of gases (about 80%
nitrogen, 20% oxygen, and 0.035% of carbon dioxide). These have a combined
total pressure of 760 mmHg. Each gas has a partial pressure proportional to its
fraction of the total. Total gas pressure of the atmosphere averages 760 mmHg
and oxygen makes up 20%, therefore the partial pressure of oxygen (PO2 ) is 0.20 x 760 = 150
mmHg. The difference in partial pressure will tell you which way oxygen (or any
gas) will diffuse. Oxygen will flow from a region of high pressure to a region
of lower pressure until the PO2 is the same in both regions.
When air and water have the same partial pressure (in equilibrium) the water is
said to be saturated. Partial pressures increase and decrease in nature. For
example, a change in the atmospheric pressure changes the PO2 proportionally
thus water at high elevations will have slightly less PO2 than
water at sea level, but both of these are relatively minor. More substantial
changes occur as the result of biological activity. Algae blooms can increase
the PO2 by 75 mmHg or more. On the other hand, if the water has
a high biological oxygen demand from bacteria and fish, the PO2 can
fall. When the PO2 falls far below 150 mmHg the water is hypoxic. When this occurs, oxygen
isn't being "forced" into the fish as hard and the fish begin to
suffocate. If the PO2 of water falls to 0, it is termed anoxic and all aerobic aquatic life will
cease. The partial pressure gradient between air and water drives gas exchange.
The movement of gas into water is dependent on the solubility of gas (which
varies slightly with temperature and dissolved solids content), the partial
pressure gradient across the gas/water interface, the surface area of the
gas/water interface, and the inverse of the thickness of the stagnant boundary
layer (explained below).
Aeration Does
Atmospheric aeration increases the rate at
which oxygen will flow into water, but it does not change the partial pressure
gradient of oxygen between air and water. Aeration speeds the movement of O2 into
the water if the water is below saturation (PO2 < 150 mm
Hg), but cannot raise the concentration above air saturation. Aeration affects
two of the four factors upon which gas exchange is dependent. One factor is
surface area. The greater the surface area available for the diffusion of oxygen, the
faster the PO2 of the water will increase. The other factor is
the thickness of the stagnant boundary layer.
The stagnant boundary layer model of gas
exchange holds that the rate of gas movement in and out of water is limited by
diffusion across a stagnant boundary layer at the air/water interface. Gas
molecules are carried to the surface of the water rapidly by air movement, but
when they dissolve into the water they must move slowly by diffusion across the
stagnant boundary layer until they reach the area of water movement on the
other side of this layer. They then can be carried away rapidly by water
movement. The rate of diffusion across the stagnant boundary layer is dependent
on the mass transfer coefficient of the gas (the speed of diffusion, a
constant) divided by the thickness of the stagnant boundary layer. The
thickness of the stagnant boundary layer changes with the degree of water
movement. The thickness of the stagnant boundary layer in a still tank
approaches 1 mm, but if the water is moving the stagnant boundary layer thins
out and diffusion can occur more quickly. Aeration, whether by bubbling
airstones, squirting fountains, or whatever method, speeds gas exchange by: 1)
increasing the surface area for diffusion (the surface of the bubbles, etc.),
and 2) stirring the water thus thinning the stagnant boundary layer.
about the Use of Pure Oxygen?
The use of pure oxygen, purchased in
liquid form (LOX) or generated from air, for oxygenation is widespread in
recirculation aquaculture. It can dramatically increase the transfer of oxygen
into the water by increasing the partial pressure gradient across the gas/water
interface. For a given surface area and stagnant boundary layer thickness, pure
oxygen aeration will speed up the rate of oxygen movement five times because
the partial pressure is no longer 150 mm Hg, but one atmosphere, 760 mm Hg,
(760/150 = 5.06).
For every 10 m down into the water column
that a gas bubble is driven, there is an increase of 1 A pressure (the weight
of 10 m of water is about the same as the entire atmosphere). Consequently, as
gas dissolves into the water from that gas bubble it enters at high pressure
and this increases the quantity and pressure of the dissolved gases in the
water. This is termed supersaturation. If a fish is swimming at the same depth
(pressure) as that at which the dissolution occurred the gas pressure in the
fish's blood is high, as well. This is not a problem as long as the fish stays
at that depth; however, if the fish swims upward the hydrostatic
pressure decreases
and, since the solubility remains constant, the amount of gas the water can
hold decreases and the excess gas is released as bubbles. Bubbles of gas in a
fish's blood can quickly lead to fatal embolisms. This condition is
called "gas bubble disease". Human divers can suffer from the same
disease, but it is called "the bends". The deadly bubbles are usually
not oxygen, but nitrogen. Gas supersaturation can occur below dams where the
bubbles are driven deep into a plunge pool or are entrained under pressure in
the turbines or passageways. It can also occur in the plumbing of aquaculture
systems and in ground water.
Note: supersaturation can only occur when gas
goes into solution at pressure greater than 1 A. If gas goes into solution at the
surface (1 A), then it can flow down to great depths without a change in gas
Dissolved oxygen must be measured
frequently by the recirculation aquaculturist because of its life or death
importance. The "gold standard" of oxygen measurement is the Winkler
titration. In skilled hands, it can determine DO with precision down to 0.02
mg/L. Fish farmers do not need this level of precision, and therefore use
simpler methods. DO meters use an electrode to give digital readouts of oxygen
content. They can be set up to run continuously and be a part of an alarm and
emergency life support system. They are also expensive and must be calibrated
and maintained to be accurate. Nevertheless, they are present in all large
aquaculture ventures. Smaller fish farms use DO kits with simplified
"count the drops" modifications of the Winkler method.
Oxidation reduction (or redox) potential
is the proportion of oxidized substances to reduced substances in a particular
system. The potential part of the name means that it is expressed as the
ability to oxidize or reduce another system. That is, a system with a given
redox potential can undergo a reduction and oxidize a system of lower redox
potential or be oxidized by reducing a system with a higher potential.
Remember, oxidation is the loss of electrons and reduction is the gain of
electrons. Redox potential is therefore the ability of something to give or
receive electrons relative to something else. Not surprisingly, then, the units
are volts. Meters that measure pH do it by measuring electrons (hydronium has
them, hydroxyl does not) and so many of those can also be set to read out in
ORP (which is affected by pH, so ORP readings are always corrected to a pH of
7). This has been technical, now let's consider ORP in nature and aquaculture.
Redox potential can measure how reduced and anaerobic sediments are relative to
the water over them. At the surface of the mud exposed to oxygenated water the
redox potential would be in the range of 250 to 500 mV. This oxidized layer
would extend a fraction of an inch into the sediment where it would change in
color from brown to black as the redox potential fell into the negative range,
once it reached -400 mV, the sediment is strictly anaerobic. Because hypoxic
conditions give a negative reading, the ORP index has been referred to as a
"pollution index", since water receiving organic pollution (sewage)
tends to be more hypoxic. This an over simplification, because hypoxic and
anaerobic conditions are part of pristine, natural ecosystems and are not
necessarily caused by pollution, but certainly low ORP readings from the water
column (as opposed to the sediments or biofilter) indicate a level of reducing
substances that can have negative affects on fish. Increasing oxidized
substances, either through increasing aeration or by the addition of an
oxidizing agent (potassium permanganate) will increase ORP.
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